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Igor Spassky: "It is important to feel that you are not alone, but in a team of like-minded people"

Igor Spassky:

Igor Spassky, General Director of "Metadynea" LLC, gave an interview to the corporate newspaper "Chemistry without borders". The top manager analyzed the results of five years of work as CEO of the company and outlined the possibilities for its development.

In particular, he spoke about changes in the field of project management at the enterprise.

- We have created an entire project evaluation system, which is an iterative process that reduces the risks of exceeding project budgets. We are constantly solving the issue of choosing the optimal balance between the speed of project implementation and the comfort of making investment decisions in conditions of uncertainty. And we clearly understand that we must build quickly, so as not to be late for additional demand for resins. The business task doesn't end when the facility is built, it is just starting. It is important to quickly load the built capacities and recover their value, - said Igor Spassky.

Separately, the General Director of "Metadynea" focused on the results of the company's work on the development of UFR sales for plywood.

- It is impossible to use only one brand of resin, it will not be able to meet all the requirements of manufacturers. On the basis of the existing recipe we have created a number of new ones to meet the requirements of our customers. The curves of our market share clearly show a spike. In a very short period of time, we occupied about a third of the market, pushing our competitors. Currently, "Metadynea" is increasing its position in this market segment, increasing sales in Belarus by reducing its own resin production of plywood plants. For 2015 – the first half of 2020, the sales of UFR for plywood brought 725 million rubles of margin income to the company, - stated Igor Spassky.

According to the manager, the search for new directions for activities expansion continues on an ongoing basis. These efforts are coordinated with other "Metafrax Group" companies and information exchange and decision-making processes are organized.

- It is now clear to us that "Metadynea" will conduct its search in the field of low-tonnage and high-margin chemistry. Today, as a result of applying our methods, investment projects with a high level of detail are being reviewed, - said Igor Spassky.

As a result of the measures taken and the implemented strategy of the company, "Metadynea" began to produce and sell significantly more resins.

- At the end of 2015, 429 thousand tons were sold and in 2019 this figure was already 551 thousand tons, an increase of 28 %. At the same time, the company's equity capital has increased by more than two times – from 2.6 to 5.5 billion rubles. The share of the authorized capital decreased from 41% to 19%, meaning that all changes occurred due to the earned net profit, - highlighted the company's CEO.

Read the full text of Igor Spassky's interview "Five years of renewal and development" in the latest issue of the newspaper "Chemistry without borders" № 9 (80), September 2020, p. 8-11 via the link.