For the benefit of residents

Dmitriy Makhonin, Perm Region Governor and Armen Garslyan, Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Region examined the renovated public garden named after F. Dzerzhinsky located in Perm.
Public garden repair was carried out with funds allocated by JSC Metafrax Chemicals. The work was carried out in 2022-2023 as part of the preparation for 300-year anniversary of the regional center.
As explained by the Top Manager of the Holding, this project is an example of Metafrax Group strategy implementation, aimed at integrated and sustainable development of territories of presence.
- We are providing help where it is needed the most. For example, in field of education that is the participation in “Professionalitet” federal project, creation of modern educational cluster on the basis of Ural chemical-technological college, in health sector – providing housing for doctors of narrow specialties, working in Kizel Coal Basin (KUB). In field of improvement of Prikamye towns’ appearance – there is the Gubakha housings’ capital repair program, infield of culture – “Mysteries of Krestovaya Mountain” festival, participation in the educational program of the Diaghilev festival andmany other things, - Armen Garslyan pointed.
In the public garden named after Dzerzhinsky, paving slabs, side stone were replaced, benches and litter bins were installed, the fence was repaired, more than 6 thousand square meters of lawns were restored, several blue firs, flower beds were planted.
- Our social initiatives are always supported by the regional and local authorities. Only thanks to joint work we manage to achieve large-scale results, - Armen Garslyan emphasized, thanking the head of the region and his team for their support. - We look forward to further fruitful cooperation with the Government of the Perm Region for the benefit of region residents.
Prikamye Region Governor expressed confidence that the city residents would appreciate the company's contribution to the improvement of the public garden.
- Thank you very much for this gift to the city, for responding, investing money and time in the development of our public spaces, - said Dmitry Makhonin.