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Forty years – without disruptions and delays

Forty years – without disruptions and delays

The staff of the workshop for the preparation and repair of railway transport (PRRT) of Metafrax Chemicals celebrated the fortieth anniversary of the division. Veterans and workshop workers, company managers and guests gathered for the celebratory evening at the Severny Palace of Culture.

On that day, veterans and employees were thanked from the stage.

- The delivery of 90% of the company's shipped products is done by railway transport. Due to coherence and competence of the transport preparation and repair workshop, this continuous process proceeds without delays and disruptions. You are leaders in your work, leaders in the implementation of lean production. The workshop runs like clockwork, there is cleanliness and order everywhere. All of this is attributable to the team, to each of you, - noted Albert Khudaibirdin, Managing Director for Production at Metafrax Chemicals JSC, during his congratulatory speech. – Thank you for your conscientious daily work. Many thanks to the veterans of the workshop! I wish you all good health, well-being, further success and company development.

The PRRT team celebrates its anniversary after the methanol production workers. Historically, these divisions are connected. Initially, the steam treatment was part of the rectification workshop of the old M-110 methanol production plant.

- It was located in building 451, which accommodated 4 rail cars. The technology was simple – we put the hose in the tank, steam it and remove the residue, - Viktor Maier, Deputy Managing Director for Production, recalled during the evening. – As part of the construction of the new M-750 complex, in March of 1979, it was decided to erect a new railway tank treatment facility with a waste disposal section. A year later, the technical assignment was signed and a project was developed for the construction of a new building 1516 and Thermal treatment unit for industrial waste. Construction began in 1983, and at the end of 1984, the department was put into operation.

Victor Maier recalled many significant events in the history of the workshop and thanked veterans and employees, wishing the team accident-free work and new successes. To the applause of the audience, the managers presented a commemorative anniversary address to Sergey Ishchenko, the head of the workshop.

- Today, the Metafrax fleet has two thousand rail cars. Maintaining them in good condition is our main task, which is competently performed by the workshop staff, - noted Sergey Ishchenko. – We independently carry out the current uncoupling repair of rail cars. The rail car treatment technology was revamped, which made it possible to significantly increase productivity and quality, and improve the working conditions for the personnel. A mineral hopper processing facility for urea loading was put into operation. Each of these achievements is a victory for the whole team. I am sure that you can handle any task.

The head of the workshop thanked the veterans for their personal contribution to the establishment and development of the workshop, for consistency of operations and traditions, and the employees for their skills, responsibility, and loyalty to their work.

The workshop workers celebrated their veterans, a gift and flowers were prepared for each of them on the anniversary. Then the workers themselves went up on stage to be awarded. In the “Golden Pool” nomination, Albert Khudaibirdin presented letters of acknowledgement to Sergey Goryachikh, an electric welder, to Natalia Konyaeva, a weigh master, to Elena Saperova, a process unit operator, to tank washers Evgeny Cheremnykh and Andrey Chikunov, to Rodion Masagutov, a rail car inspector, and to Igor Sukhina, a repair fitter. In the "Consistency is the sign of mastery" nomination, the following were awarded: tank washers Dmitry Alekseev, Dmitry Kirdyaev, Mikhail Mingalimov and Ramzil Yalaev, weigh masters Dmitry Bogautdinov and Alla Korenkova, Oleg Efremov, an electric welder, and Yuri Nikitin, an operator.

In the "Valuable Employee" nomination, the following were awarded: Ivan Karavaev, a leading engineer, shift masters Oleg Almeev, Andrey Korneenkov, Mikhail Kuzmin, Irina Smyshlyaeva and Aleksandr Trofimenko, repair fitters Sergey Malykh and Sergey Pyanykh, and Sergey Ivanov, an inspector-repairman. The recipients of letters of acknowledgement in the "Unlimited Resource" nomination were Yulia Babina, a leading process engineer, repair fitters Vladimir Kuzeev and Dmitry Smoliy, warehouse keepers Ekaterina Petrova and Svetlana Serdyuk, Anatoly Rzhevsky, a tank washer, and Kirill Fishev, a rail car inspector.

During the anniversary evening, there were photos of different years on the big screen. They included those who stood at the helm of the workshop during different years: Nikolai Karagodin, the first head of the department, and Petr Brodnikov who was in charge of the workshop for more than 20 years. Andrey Piyandin, Sergey Tyurin and Denis Artamonov came to congratulate their colleagues this evening. Aleksandr Grom, a chairman of the trade union organization, addressed warm wishes to veterans and workshop workers. He presented certificates of commendation from territory committee of the Russian Trade Union of Workers of Chemical Industries to Natalia Konyaeva, Ekaterina Petrova, Yulia Babina, Marina Grishina, Andrey Orlov, Irina Smyshlyaeva and Sergey Ivanov.

At the anniversary evening, the people of the hour were delighted with creative gifts by Gubakha artists Aleksey Chetvertkov and Ekaterina Arkhilina, the "Dream" dance group and the Russian song ensemble "Rechenka".