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Metadynea successfully obtained an integrated environmental permit (IEP)

Metadynea successfully obtained an integrated environmental permit (IEP)

A document confirming that the company complies with all environmental requirements and standards was issued by the interregional department of Rosprirodnadzor (Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Usage) for the Moscow and Smolensk regions.

Metadynea began large-scale preparation of materials for obtaining IEP, which included a multilateral analysis of production technology from the point of view of identifying emissions into the atmosphere, waste management, and the development of production environmental control programs.

Regarding emissions, an updated list of their sources was compiled, and an instrumental inventory was carried out. Based on the results of the analysis, standards for emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere and a schedule for compliance with these standards were developed. Based on the work carried out, a draft standards for permissible emissions were developed taking into account the development prospects of the enterprise for the next 7 years. Comprehensive work has also been carried out with regard to waste - from analyzing information on the generation of waste from the production and economic activities of the enterprise's divisions, to justifying standards, calculating limits and developing standards for waste disposal. The third area of preparation for obtaining the IEP was the assessment of the enterprise for compliance with the requirements of the best available technologies reference books. Based on the assessment results, standardization objects were identified and technological standards were calculated.

- “Metadynea strictly adheres to the established requirements for the safety of the production cycle; the use of the best available technologies is one of the company’s priority areas for the development of production sites,” notes the company’s Managing Director Igor Spasskiy. – We give priority to technologies that ensure safe operations for the environment and people. Necessary work and environmental actions are carried out on an ongoing basis.

All enterprises of the Ruschem holding pay special attention to issues of environmental safety in the regions where they operate.

- For all enterprises included in Ruschem, the issue of preserving the environment remains relevant and important. Among the priority areas of activity in the field of environmental protection are the rational use of natural resources, environmental protection by reducing the impact of activities, and the introduction of the best available technologies,” emphasizes Eduard Davydov, General Director of Ruschem JSC. “It is important to understand here that results can only be achieved through joint efforts: we must make a tangible contribution to the environmental well-being of the regions in which we operate.

For reference:

An integrated environmental permit is a new document for Russian industry and environmental legislation. It regulates mandatory requirements in the field of environmental protection and replaces a number of permitting documents that enterprises previously received. IEP confirms that the enterprise’s impact on the environment does not exceed the indicators established by Russian legislation.