Metafrax has launched a corporate bus route to Gremyachinsk

On January 13, Metafrax Chemicals launched the Gremyachinsk – Metafrax Chemicals bus route in test mode for employees living in Gremyachinsk.
Transport of the new route will operate daily and deliver employees of the enterprise to the morning and evening shifts and back.
According to Denis Artamonov, the Head of the company's Transport Department, the launch of the new route allows solving the problem of transport accessibility for residents of Gremyachinsk, which the company employs a lot today. Addressing social issues is an element of the company's recruitment policy.
We will remind that in 2024 Metafrax acquired new buses for transporting employees. In September, a corporate bus route to Kizel was launched.
Bus schedule on the route "Gremyachinsk – JSC "Metafrax Chemicals": link