Skills are at the highest level

The "Metafrax Chemicals" Company has launched the jubilee – the fifth stream of modular training at the "School of Masters". The program is aimed at improving professional knowledge and developing the managerial skills of the line managers.
20 employees of the Company became participants of the jubilee stream. These are both current managers – shift masters, senior foremen, department heads, and employees who are included in the employee pool for these positions.
Albert Khudaibirdin, Managing Director for Production, welcomed the participants at the opening. He noted the importance of studying at the School of Masters, which will allow its participants to improve their professional competencies. According to the opinion of the Managing Director, the effective work of the production shift, the production workshop and, as a result, the entire enterprise depends on the combination of technical and managerial abilities of line managers. The participants of the stream were also greeted by the Head of the Human Resources Department- Elena Bolotova, the Project Manager for the implementation of the lean production system - Alexander Eske, the head of the operational efficiency department - Oksana Panchenkova and business coach - Alexander Domanov.
The training program consists of four units and is based on conducting training events and developing projects. At the beginning of the training, classes were held on the system of production efficiency and the fundamentals of lean production. Together with the coach- Alexander Domanov, the participants mastered the tools to improve operational efficiency, reviewed the types of losses, tried to determine losses by their workplace or division, and began to develop proposals for improvements.
Next, the participants of the School of Masters will have to strengthen their managerial skills in setting goals, resolving conflict situations in the team, increasing motivation, find out what the economy of the production workshop consists of, and get acquainted with the corporate values of the company. The result of the project activity will be the development and subsequent defense of mini-projects for improvements. This teamwork will consist of analyzing existing processes with timekeeping measurements, identifying losses, bottlenecks, and developing optimization measures.
Modular training under the "School of Masters" program has been implemented at Metafrax since September 2022. Continuous professional development of employees at all levels is the basis of the Company's corporate policy. The Company makes every effort to use effectively its human resources, strengthen a unified corporate culture, increase motivation and professional development of the personnel.
The training takes place as part of the development of the employee pool. The training program is practice-oriented and integrated with the project for the implementation of a lean production system at the enterprise.