Space for development

The center of natural-science orientation “Growth point” is opened in Ugleuralskiy settlement of the Gubakha municipal district on the basis of the secondary school No. 15. Deputy General Director for personnel and social issues Rashid Shakirov took part in the ceremony of opening the new educational space.
“Growth point” – is the space for development of schoolchildren and teachers, which is designed to make the learning process more modern and interesting. School students will use the digital equipment of the center at the lessons of biology, physics and chemistry, and also within the framework of extracurricular and project-research activities, elective courses.
Metafrax Chemicals company cooperates with Gubakha schools and colleges on a permanent basis, providing students with the comprehensive support in career guidance. Thus, thanks to the “School-UCTC – JSC Metafrax Chemicals -higher education institution” project, Gubakha schoolchildren gain in-depth knowledge in major subjects,study using the latest equipment, the modern laboratories of the Ural Chemical Technological College (UCTC) are available for them. On 1st of the September there was the grand opening of the “Chemical industry” educational-production cluster in UCTC, this cluster was created as a part of “Professionalitet” federal project. College has been transformed – everything was done to make students’ lessons in workshops and laboratories as close as possible to working in real conditions of the chemical production. Besides, teachers of the Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNIPU) give lectures and conduct classes in UCTC.
- We want not only to attract young successful specialists in the enterprise. Our task is more global – to create the conditions necessary for the young people to stay and live in Gubakha. We are not only offering workplaces with fair wage and opportunity of career growth, but we are striving to develop the territory on the whole. Metafrax is actively involved in such work conducted in collaboration with the regional and local government authorities, deputy corps, - Rashid Shakirov noted.
“Growth point” in school No. 15 — is the second educational center of such a format, operating in Gubakha. The first one was opened two years ago in the school No. 14 (NOC).