Training of professionals

On 1st of September Ural Chemical Technology College (UCTC) will open the cluster of the chemical sector of the Perm Region as part of “Professionalitet” federal project.
In 2022 Ural Chemical Technology College in Gubakha, with the assistance of the supportive employer “Metafrax Chemicals” JSC, became the winner of the qualifying stage of “Professionalitet” federal project and received a grant in the amount of 100 million rubles for creation of educational and production cluster. Also, “Metafrax Chemicals” company allocated funds for implementation of the project – 30 million rubles, Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Region – 2 million rubles. Project roadmap was signed at the VII Perm Engineering and Industrial Forum on 1st of December 2022.
Active works on creation of educational and production center of the chemical industry are being conducted from the end of 2022 until the present time. Training programs established in accordance with requests from the employer are prepared and are now in the process of approval. Students of the chemical industry cluster will be trained in three majors: “Chemical Technology of Organic Materials”, “Analytical Monitoring Technology of Chemical Compounds” and “Installation, Maintenance and Repair of Industrial Equipment“.
– On 1st of September we will open the cluster of chemical industry of the Perm Region as part of “Professionalitet” federal project. Target figures for admission of students on the project majors – 100 persons, quota is achieved for 116%. On average, the competition was 1,2 person for a place. “Chemical Technology of Organic Materials” and “Installation, Maintenance and Repair of Industrial Equipment“ became the most popular directions – told Mr. Aleksei Nazarov, Director of Ural Chemical Technology College.
UCTC became the base institution of the cluster of chemical industry of the Perm Region. The cluster also includes the Regional Industrial Technical School, Perm Chemical Technology Technical School and Solikamsk Mining and Chemical Technical School. Thus, laboratories and workshops of the college located in Gubakha, equipped with the most modern training, measuring and production equipment, will be used for the internship of all students of this educational network.
– We were agreeing all equipping, equipment of laboratories with the representatives of our supporting enterprise. Equipment is as close as possible to those technical processes that are carried out at the production sites. This will allow students to adapt quickly to the rhythm of work – Mr. Aleksei Nazarov marked, – There is a unified basic program set for students of training majors that are being implemented within the “Professionalitet” federal project. Educational institutions adapt specific modules according to the requirements of supporting enterprises-employers. Based on results of program implementation we, together with the institutions of educational network, shall prepare 625 chemists for the Perm Region.
Implementation of the grant received is possible in two directions – capital repair and procurement of equipment for cluster sites with regard to the majors. In August of 2023, repair works are being completed in UHTC, most of the equipment is already delivered to Gubakha.
– Receiving of the grant allowed to equip the welding workshop with new ventilation and to renew the fire alarm system. This work is expensive but it is necessary for the safety of the educational institution. About 12 million rubles were spent on capital repair. The remaining funds were used for purchasing of equipment for training of students within the training majors. We had fully equipped our lab technicians: we purchased titrators, spectrophotometers, chromatographs and other equipment, renewed the furniture. For installers, for example, we purchased the stands for valves’ hydraulic tests, 2 stands related to “Industrial mechanics and installation” and other equipment necessary for training of the professionals. All of this will allow us to carry out training of professionals at the higher level, – Mr. Aleksei Nazarov summarized.