Chance for a happy future

On September 18, a meeting of genetic twins took place in Perm. Saving o one more life became possible thanks to the "Mind Donation" project, which has been supported by Metafrax Group since 2018.
In the Perm Region, the project "Mind Donation" of the "Dedmorozim" Fund is engaged in attracting donors to the Vasya Perevoshchikov National Register of Bone Marrow Donors.
Bone marrow donation is the last chance for recovery for children and adults with leukemia when other therapies are powerless. If a person gets blood cancer, only a genetic twin can help him. Doctors can find such a twin if he has entered the register of potential donors. And im this case the sick person gets a chance for recovery and a happy future.
And such a miracle happened in the life of Olga Shmakotina from Krasnoyarsk, for whom a suitable donor was found in the Federal Register – Kristina Semiletova from Perm. A bone marrow transplantation in 2020 saved the patient from leukemia. The recovery process went well, and the meeting of genetic twins became possible. It took place in Perm on September 18, 2023.
At the meeting, Natalia Beketova, coordinator of the Federal Register of Bone Marrow Donors in the Clinic of the Research Institute of child oncology, haematologyand transplantology, named afterR.M. Gorbacheva, presented six bone marrow donors from the Perm Region with medals "For Assistance to the Donor Movement" of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of the Russian Federation.
– I feel calm and joy, because I see now that everything will be fine. During the transplantation I experienced different emotions… Patients were brought to the procedures: I saw a girl with skin like dark gray marble, she was brought in a wheelchair, and I burst into tears, there was also a boy of five or sixyears old with his mother, he was brought to be puton the drop bottle, he cried and resisted, his mother calmed him down - and I also could not restrain myself. But, despite my emotions, I donated my cells with love and hope for a positive result so that they would establishin the person I approached, – shared Kristina Semiletova, who helped the Siberian woman to defeat leukemia.
Metafrax Group helps regularly toconduct donor campaigns and ensures the qualitative growth of the "Mind Donation" project. Over the eight months of 2023, thanks to the Dedmorozim donor campaigns, there were 650 more people in the bone marrow donor register — 575 people joined the register last year in the Perm Region. In total, since 2015, more than 6.5 thousand residents of the region have been among potential bone marrow donors.
Comprehensive work to attract donors brings its positive results. So, for example, in February 2023, another meeting of a bone marrow donor took place in Perm with a resident of Novoslobodsk, who managed to save her life thanks to the indifference of a Permian woman who entered the National Register of Donors 4 years ago. Almost 3 years after the diagnosed leukemia, a transplantation was performed in St. Petersburg. Read more about this story on the page of the Dedmorozim Fund.
– In 2018, start of a partnership with the Dedmorozim Charitable Fund within the framework of the Mind Donation project coincided with the development of the Metafrax Group brand philosophy. The company's mission is "At the foundation of the Future", and an important initiative to maintain a register of bone marrow donors is certainly about the future. The project received a great response from the employees of Metafrax. In 2023, we remain one of the leaders in the region in terms of the number of donors working in one Company," said Maria Konovalova, Director for Strategic Communications at Metafrax Group.
Video about the meeting of genetic twins in Perm.
Read more about the touching story of saving a life together with the project "Mind Donation" at the link.
Read more about how to become a bone marrow donor,on the website "Dedmorozim"