Ecosystem conservation

Environmentalists of Metafrax Chemicals released more than five thousand sterlet fry into the Kama reservoir on July 22.
The juveniles of valuable fish in the section of the Sylvensky Bay of the Kama reservoir were released to artificially replenish the aquatic bioresources of the Perm Region. The sterlet fry purchased by Metafrax were delivered from the peasant farm of the village of Barda in a specialized container for live fish.
The work was carried out in the presence of environmentalists of the enterprise and under the supervision of state inspectors of the Department of State Control, Supervision and Protection of Aquatic Biological Resources in the Perm Region of the Volga-Kama Territorial Administration of the Federal Fisheries Agency. Together with JSC Metafrax Chemicals, fry was released also by the Berezniki Soda Plant - which is also a part of the JSC Ruschem group - represented by the environmental service specialist of the plant.
– Such an environmental campaign has already become traditional for the company. Over the past years, about 25 thousand sterlet juveniles have been released into the reservoirs of the Kama region. This event is recommended, our company takes a responsible approach to the formation of a favorable ecosystem and reproduction of aquatic biological resources when taking water from the Shirokovsky reservoir, – said employees of the Environmental Protection Department Evgenia Kryukova and Marina Sokolova.
The regulation on responsible attitude to the environment is laid down in the strategy of Metafrax Group, much attention is paid to the implementation of ESG initiatives. Priority is given to projects with an environmental component, investments are directed to environmental protection and rational use of natural resources.