In Metafrax Group was re-started the hotline for по anti-corruption issues.
As it was clarified in the company compliance department there was an update of the legal framework, which regulates the operation of the hot line. In particular, in order to increase efficiency of the feedback there was a clarification of receiving and review of the appeals.
“The hotline is an important tool to ensure ethical business, which allows to systematically receive and process appeals regarding possible violations. Metafrax Group supports the culture of open expression of opinion as well as encourages reasonable appeals about violations or suggestions on improvements, which are received by the hot line”, highlighted the head of the compliance department Dmitriy Lutz.
The hotline can be contacted by anyone - employees of Metafrax Group companies, business partners, customers and other persons. Messages are accepted via the following communication channels: 24-hour toll-free telephone line: 8-800-100-95-24 (in answering machine mode) and e-mail:
The hotline received the information about preparing or happened acts of corruption, bribery, fraud, embezzlement, misappropriation, and conflicts of interest in Group companies. You can also report other violations, such as health and safety, industrial and environmental safety, labor laws, or send a suggestion for improvement.
Each person has a right to receive information about the progress of investigation and the final decision on information about violation, apart from the cases, when the appeal is provided on an anonymous basis. The appeals are reviewed by the Ethics and Compliance Committee of Metafrax Group. As a rule, the time limit for consideration of an appeal does not exceed 30 days. Appealed parties are guaranteed confidentiality and protected from any retaliation.