Pedagogical Olympus

Gubakha summed up the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian professional competition "Teacher of the Year", which has been held for many years with the support of Metafrax Chemicals. Olesya Ageeva, a teacher of Russian language and literature at school No. 15, became the absolute winner of the competition and the owner of the Crystal Pelican.
The closing ceremony of the competition, which took place on the eve of the women's day on March 8 at Gubakha School No. 1, was attended by Tatyana Sharipova, Head of the Department of Affairs and Internal Policy of the Gubakha Municipal District Administration, Elena Bolotova, Head of the Human Resources Department of JSC Metafrax Chemicals, specialists from the Department of Education, representatives of the jury and participants of the competition, teachers and guests. This year's contest was held under the slogan "The Legacy of the Great Victory."
This year, 17 teachers from Gubakha and Gremyachinsk took part in the municipal stage of the competition. During the week, the contestants demonstrated their mastery of the methodology of conducting and organizing educational activities, shared their work experience, creative techniques, and honed their skills. During the "Pedagogical Interview", the experts were shown the scale and unconventionality of their judgments, and an understanding of educational development trends. Competitive tests have shown that all participants are true masters of their craft, loving their work and inspired by the successes of their students. They are talented, creatively inspired, hardworking, and surprisingly charming teachers.
"There are no losers in this competition, everyone is a winner here," Elena Bolotova said, congratulating the participants. – Metafrax Chemicals, which has been the general sponsor of the competition for several years, has established this wonderful tradition together with you – to honor Teachers of the Year. There are many of our victories in this tradition, when the company contributes to shaping the future, forming excellent, caring teachers, forming gifted, creative, developing children, and forming an education system that helps our society and our children become better, more interesting, brighter, and more confident. We hope that thanks to this tradition, we will continue to build this future together with you.
Thanking the teachers, Elena Bolotova presented diplomas and cash certificates to the winners of the competition in the nomination "Teacher of preschool education". The first place was taken by Larisa Bronnikova, the teacher of the MADOU "Golden Key", Tatyana Imasheva, the music director of the MADOU "Golden Key", and Yulia Galiullina, the kindergarten teacher of the MADOU "Golden Key", took the second place. Vera Beltyukova, a teacher at MADOU kindergarten Teremok, was awarded an incentive prize.
In the nomination "Teacher of General Education", Svetlana Vaganova, deputy of the Duma of the Gubakha district, presented awards to the leaders. The first place in this nomination went to Olesya Ageeva, a teacher of Russian language and literature at Secondary school No. 15, Natalia Moskvina, a primary school teacher at Gremyachinskaya Secondary School No. 20, took the second place, and she also received a special prize from the children's jury. The third place in this nomination was taken by the primary school teacher of secondary school No. 1 Natalia Shchipanova. Sergey Dankov, a young teacher of history and social studies at Gremyachinsky school No. 3, was awarded an incentive prize for creative teaching.
Elena Poyarkova, the homeroom teacher of Secondary School No. 25, was recognized as the winner in the "Specialist in Education" nomination. Anastasia Pantyukhina, Advisor to the Director of Education and Interaction with Children's public associations of NOSH No. 1, was awarded an incentive prize.
Olesya Ageeva became the absolute winner of the municipal stage of the Teacher of the Year competition. Olga Korneenkova, Deputy Head of the Department of Education, and Maria Gagarina, Director of the Information and Methodological Center, presented her with a diploma and a statuette of the Crystal Pelican, the symbol of the competition.
Creative gifts were presented to the teachers on this festive day by young artists, pupils of the Spectrum Children's and Youth center - the Grace acrobatics collective, the Mood choreographic collective and the Sounds of Music vocal group.