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Career Start from the Big Olympiad!

Career Start from the Big Olympiad!

For the first time, the Perm Territory has joined the Big Olympiad of Ruschem in Chemistry and Chemical Technology.

On March 6, the Kommersant-Prikamye business paper held a press conference on the issues of holding the Big Olympiad of Ruschem in Chemistry and Chemical Technology in 2025. The event was attended by representatives from organizers of the competition, the media, as well as teachers and students of Perm schools, who had the opportunity to clarify the details of the tournament with the speakers.

The intellectual competition unites students of grades 7-11, university professors and representatives of the chemical industry. In the Perm Territory, the Olympiad is represented by Metafrax Chemicals, which is part of JSC Ruschem. The competition is held in two stages: the remote one, which will last until March 16, and the live one. You can register and complete the online stage on the Olympiad website: link.

Konstantin Anufriev, Director for Organizational and HR Policy at Metafrax Chemicals, said that the second stage of the Olympiad will be held at Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU) and Ural Chemical Technology College (UCTC). The participants admitted to the second stage will receive diplomas and commemorative prizes. Gifts are provided for the winners and runners-up, as well as inclusion in the external talent pool of enterprises related to JSC Ruschem.

Konstantin Anufriev:

“A list of potential employees of Ruschem will be created. The holding's geography covers enterprises located in various regions of the country, from Crimea to the Far East. Participating in the project is a great opportunity to launch your career, to be able to make a name and become a potential employee in a huge area. Russia has a large potential in the development of chemical production, so we engage our future employees, starting from school-days and even earlier."

In the future, the best participants will be invited to enroll in the university for company-sponsored education under an agreement with JSC Metafrax Chemicals. Mikhail Zubarev, Deputy Head of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Chemical Technology and Technosphere Safety at PSU, added that bonuses will be provided for the Olympiad participants next year upon admission to the university. Upon admission to the university, the winners and runners-up will get extra credits. The theoretical round of the Olympiad will be held on March 30, and the experimental round on April 26.

Raisa Kassina, Minister of Education and Science of the Perm Territory, drew attention to the fact that the chemical sector and personnel training for the industry are well developed in the Kama Region:

"We’re building a seamless education system “school-college–university–enterprise” in the region, and we’re opening specialized classes, about twenty of them are chemical–oriented."

Maria Konovalova, Director of Strategic Communications at Metafrax Chemicals, emphasized that Metafrax Chemicals has a systematic approach to working with schoolchildren, students and graduates. Future specialists are offered contracts on employer-sponsored education, increased scholarships, and guaranteed admission to educational institutions on a commercial basis:

"Our goal in career guidance is to help students learn and create favorable working conditions so that graduates are not only able, but also sincerely want to work at the enterprise with the best available technologies.”