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Another Life Saved!

Another Life Saved!

The Mind Donation project of the Dedmorozim Foundation in the Perm Territory deals with engagement of donors to the National Register of Bone Marrow Donors named after Vasya Perevoshchikov.

Bone marrow donation is the last recovery chance for children and adults with leukemia when other therapy types are powerless. If a person gets blood cancer, only a genetic twin can help him. Doctors can find such a twin if he has joined the register of potential donors. Then the affected person gets a chance for recovery and a happy future.

Sergei Klochkov from Perm got such a chance. Anna Vychugzhanina, also from Perm, became a suitable donor for him, and, surprisingly, she is also an oncologist!A bone marrow transplantation in 2022 saved Sergei from leukemia, and now it's time to meet with a donor who gave his genetic twin the opportunity to heal and live. The meeting took place in Perm on September 23.

Anna Vychugzhanina:

“Sure, I was really looking forward to this meeting, especially in the first days after the donation. Although I knew that according to the legislation it’s possible only after two years and only if the recipient wants it. I don't have any siblings, and it was very interesting for me to get to know each other. As for an oncologist, it's a miracle for me when a patient responds to therapy, and then wings grow behind his/her back."

11 more bone marrow donors witnessed the acquaintance of genetic twins from Perm, who solemnly received commemorative awards from the Dedmorozim Foundation and residents of the Perm Territory.

Igor Sapko, human-rights ombudsman in the Perm Territory, and Natalia Beketova, coordinator of the Federal Register of Bone Marrow Donors at the Memorial Research Institute of Children Oncology, Hematology and Transplantation named after Raisa Gorbacheva, celebrated the award ceremony at the Morion Digital Technopark, timed to coincide with World Marrow Donor Day.

Metafrax Chemicals helps to conduct regular donor campaigns and ensures the qualitative growth of the Mind Donation project. During the existence of the project, the Dedmorozim Foundation has managed to engage more than seven thousand people to the register of potential bone marrow donors.

Comprehensive work to engage donors gives real results. For example, in September 2023, another meeting of a bone marrow donor with a recipient took place in Perm. The life of woman from Krasnoyarsk was saved thanks to the indifference of a woman from Perm who entered the National Register of Donors. Read more about this story on the page of the Dedmorozim Foundation.